Sunday, March 3, 2013

No Motivation

There's a snow storm outside right now. All I want to do is lay in bed all day. I have studying to do, but I just don't feel like doing it. My test tomorrow is pretty important but I can't seem to muster up the motivation to crack open my textbook. I remember how much I used to study, I would pull all nighters to get A's. But now, I just want to do nothing. It's my last semester and I know I should be putting everything I have into these last few months, but I can't. I feel like a failure, and I hate disappointing my professors, but at times like these, I just don't care enough. Sometimes I wonder what happened to me. Why am I letting myself throw my life away. These thoughts just make me feel worse about myself. I try to remember that this isn't who I really am. This is just the depression. It's easier to say than to believe though.

I don't feel any nausea today. The only side effect from my medication right is the tiredness and dry mouth I guess. This is tolerable though.


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