Saturday, March 2, 2013


I was diagnosed with depression a year ago, but I've been depressed for the past 9 years. As I got older, it just became worse and worse. A year ago I finally decided to see a counsellor because I was having suicidal thoughts and I started to hurt myself. Ever since then my depression has been pretty constant and I still have suicidal thoughts, but I don't hurt myself anymore, although I do think about it. 

Three days ago I went to my doctor for the first time about my depression because I've been having a hard time dealing with school and all my other life stressors and I just don't have the will to live anymore. She put me on cipralex, an antidepressant. I was pretty scared about taking meds. I heard they can have pretty intense side effects, but my doctor really thought it would be best for me and I honestly just want to get better. The side effects are somewhat unpleasant so far. I'm just more sleepy and things taste a little different. I have nausea and heartburn on and off. I was told the medication takes a few weeks to really start to work and for the side effects to subdue so I'm not too concerned. 

I've created this blog so that I can have an outlet for dealing with depression and to share my experience while I'm on the road to recovery. I've always enjoyed writing, and I think it will be good for me to get back into it. 

Anyways, not sure if anyone will even read this, but I guess this is more for myself anyway. 


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