Sunday, March 10, 2013

Meeting People LIke Me

My experience with depression has been very lonely. A part of me wants to spend time with people, but the other part of me doesn't. I don't feel like pretending to care about what my friends talk to me about. I think the hard thing right now is that my friends don't understand what it's like to be in my position. They don't understand what I'm feeling, and it just gets so tiring to try to explain to them every little thing. I know they try to understand and be supportive, and I'm grateful for that, but right now it's not enough. I want to meet people who are experiencing what I'm experiencing. I feel like that would be super helpful, and also therapeutic. I think we all want people in our lives who are like us, and I want to connect with people who are in the same position as me right now. I'm thinking of going to one of the depression support group events on in Calgary. Maybe I can make some real friends through that who I can share with and who can share with me. I'm not very good at making friends, but I hope since it's a support group everyone will we be very inviting. 


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