Thursday, March 7, 2013

Do you know what it's like...

Do you know what it’s like…
To be the center of ridicule
To be called ugly
To be ignored
To be laughed at
To be judged

Do you know what’s it like…
To have people avoid sitting with you on the school bus
To have boys shout “ewww” when you walk by
To have girls snicker when you try to get by them

Do you know what it’s like…
To be called pregnant because you’re overweight
To be laughed at when you fall down the stairs
To always be picked last, and sometimes, never picked at all

Do you know what it’s like…
To be afraid to go to school because you don’t want to be seen
To be afraid to talk to people because you don’t want to be judged
To constantly try to hide so you can avoid hurtful words

Do you know what it’s like…
To not be able to make true friends
To have to bribe people with kindness and selfless acts to hang out with you
To have those same people stand in the background and join in the laughter when you get picked on

Do you know what it’s like…
To have parents who never understood why you are so reserved
To have parents think there’s something wrong with you when you wouldn’t talk
To have parents get frustrated with you when you try to explain how you feel because they think you’re just being weak

Do you know what it’s like…
To be bombarded with so many negative words and hurtful comments that you don’t think you deserve anything more than that
To expect everyone you meet to think you are the ugliest, fattest, most socially awkward person they have ever met
To believe you are the most worthless person alive
To believe you will never meet someone who will find you beautiful
To believe your life is worth nothing

Do you know what it’s like…
To wish every day when you wake up that you were not alive
To wish that you could have the courage to finally get in that car and turn it on and close the garage
To constantly think about slicing your skin with razor blades because the pain is a release

Do you know what it’s like…
To be so afraid of what people think of you that you have to pretend to be normal
To be so afraid to let people see who you really are because who you really are has only ever been criticized
To have to think before reacting because you need to make sure you don’t seem weird

Do you know what’ it’s like…
To have memories that are so painful you can’t help but cry every time you remember
To want to forget so much that you binge eat because you think that will make you happy when it only makes you feel worse

Do you know what it’s like…
To have gotten so used to being hurt your whole life that you don’t even feel anything anymore
To never know anymore what you really feel
To be empty inside

Do you know what it’s like…
To have everyday be a struggle
To feel like life is a battle that you lose more each day
To be scared that one day you actually will end it all because everyday is harder than the last day

You don’t know what I have been through. You don’t know what thoughts run through my mind, what memories I have. You don’t understand. Think twice before you judge me and assume why I feel the way I do, do the things I do, and am the way I am. 


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