Sunday, April 14, 2013

It will Never Be Me.

I will never be that person who stands out and draws attention and gets people wanting to get know me more. I will always be that girl who just stands in the background and gets ignored and missed and never known. This makes me very sad. I think we all want to be special. I guess it's just very disheartening to realize that I'm not special. I try really hard to make friends, and lately I've been trying extra hard, but I just can't seem to get it right. I feel like I just annoy everyone and they would prefer I not bother them. Maybe I should just accept this. I'd rather not force anyone to be my friend. Well, anyways, I haven't really posted in a long time, I've been out of town and just had a lot of school work to do. This is a really pointless thing to write though anyway because I don't think anyone really reads this. Anyways, until next time.


1 comment:

  1. Everything happen for a reason, but we don't always know the reason and that's the beauty of life. Sometimes someone close to you won't understand your importance but trust me everyone is important. I'm in England and I'm reading your words.
